Our Politicians and their Enablers are key in our fight against harm. We therefore strongly advocate for Jenkins and Mayor Breed. They have made great progress in efficiently reducing the number of homeless addicts on our streets by greatly increasing the number of fatal overdoses. But there are others that we would like to thank.
Kanishka Cheng - Co-founder and Executive Director of TogetherSF Action and the public face of the techBro money. I am responsible for the brilliant Fentalife campaign and working with politicians to make sure that we win this War on Drugs with more police and bringing in state law enforcement. I also was the only person reasonable enough to argue again the horrible Golden Gate Greenway. How dare they try to improve the Tenderloin for kids!?!?
Supervisor Matt Dorsey (Minister of Copaganda) - Oh, the irony. I was the propagandist for the SF police department and worked for the DA's office, promoting the incarceration of both dealers and users, while also being an addict! That gave me special insight into drug addiction, and the solution was of course for me to go into rehab (1992, 2018, 2020) and keep my excellent job. My propaganda side allows me to wax eloquently about the virtues of rehab and harm reduction. But when it comes to action it's all just funding for cops, Cops, COPS!!! Just don't let anyone know that it isn't actually a funding issue. It's that the cops simply aren't doing their jobs at all, I mean, not even trying. And since I love Copaganda so much I tried to push through a SFPD reality show show (Frisco 911??) with a producer who had done 5 films for the CIA. And to surpass Newsom sending in the CHP and the National Guard to SF, I'm pushing to bring in the DOJ and the DEA.